Our Church


Who We Are / 我們是誰

The CCGC of Naples is a group of Cantonese and Mandarin speakers who love God, His Word and His People. We are a bible-based church and a branch of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. We value and support international missionary work.

那不勒斯 CCGC 是一群愛神、祂的話語和祂的子民的粵語和普通話團體。 我們是一個以聖經為基礎的教會,也是基督教宣教聯盟的一個分支。 我們重視並支持國際宣教工作。

We partner with the Center Point Community Church on Youth Ministry.


We enjoy close and friendly fellowship. Pre-pandemic we had wonderful potluck Sunday luncheons and hopefully we will have them post-pandemic. To promote physical wellbeing, we have dance/stretch exercise classes after Sunday worship.

我們享受親密友好的團契。 大流行前我們有很棒的便餐週日午餐,希望我們能在大流行後有它們。 為了促進身體健康,我們在周日崇拜後開設了舞蹈/伸展運動課程。

We are concerned for those who have yet to know Jesus Christ as their personal savior and welcome them to our fellowship with open arms.


Our Goal / 我們的目標

To bear witness of the one and only Savior, Jesus Christ, to the South Florida Chinese community and to be a place of worship, encouragement, affirmation and acceptance.


Our Location / 我們的位置

6590 Golden Gate Parkway, Naples, FL 34105